Villains – how do we view them properly? 1Villains – how do we view them properly? 1

3. The strength of the villain is very powerful

Oh, so this must be the reason?

Villains – how do we view them properly?

Killmonger from the Black Panther Movie may be strong, but he will still lose to the main character, his strength is just normal, not overpowering.

4. The villain has a top-notch mind?

Villains – how do we view them properly?

It can be seen that the villains who have `gone through the years` all have above average intelligence.

For example, in Life of Pi, the main antagonist is the difficulties he faces while going to sea. Are those events intelligent?

Villains – how do we view them properly?

In disaster movies like sharks or crocodiles, the motif will be a sea monster or a python. Do these creatures have intelligence?

5. A dark past

This sounds good.

Villains – how do we view them properly?

However, many villains are built with an unhappy past, but the impact on them is very superficial, unintentionally turning that past into nothing more than a `trick` to attract tears.

Although that past clearly greatly influences their actions and personalities and does so very logically, however, showing the demon’s unhappy life in a short chapter and without any negative consequences is very important.

What about characters with well-developed bad pasts?

Loki also has his own problems, and this is what motivated him to become a villain, everything he does comes from there.


Villains – how do we view them properly?

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